2 Key Questions to Discover Your Calling

We all have a desire to do work that excites us. However, simply loving something isn’t always enough. The search for your true passion demands clear thinking. Don’t let life pass you by without finding it! To truly thrive, consider these two key questions:

Once you have a strong hunch about your passion, answer these two key questions in a peaceful environment …

1. Is there anything else you’d genuinely rather do than this thing you love? The answer should be a clear NO.

2. Have you ever put yourself to the test doing this?** The answer MUST be YES. If you haven’t yet, then test yourself more than once. If you passed this test (meaning you got any proof that you are good or can be good at doing it), then CONGRATULATIONS, you found it! YOU MUST NEVER EVER do something else. HAVE THE COURAGE TO TRY, because you MIGHT BE SO SPECIAL, and TRYING IS THE ONLY WAY TO FIND OUT. DON’T EVER BE AFRAID TO TRY. “…listen to these words and come back…“

You should know it already… If you couldn’t find it (your passion), then you just don’t have it YET, and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s that simple. You’re still lucky because NOW you can do anything! All you need is to find the excitement in your life (business, relationships, etc. by Mel Robbins) … And maybe you will find it later on during your life journey.

For me, boxing was my true calling, but for many reasons I couldn’t do what I was meant to master. Instead, I just focused on enjoying myself and didn’t realize that boxing was the ONLY thing for me.

Here’s what happened to me, and what WILL happen to you if you find your THING and chase something else: you won’t truly care about anything you do, even if you’re amazing at it. You’ll feel stuck because deep down you know it’s not your passion. I was just living, but now I’m searching for what excites me, and I’m giving my all to make the most of it.

Key Points to Consider …

Beyond Feelings: Passion can definitely be fueled by strong feelings. But it’s also important to consider the long-term. What sparks joy today might evolve over time. That’s okay! The key is to keep exploring and learning. Don’t let short-term changes discourage you from the search for what truly excites you. (by Sadhguru). I’m always open to learning, regardless of the source. It’s about gathering knowledge and acting with wisdom.

Own Your Journey: Trust your instincts – when you’re sure of your actions and have good intentions, you can confidently pursue your goals. Listen to others, but ultimately follow the path that excites you. Take charge of your decisions and actions, knowing you’re building a positive future for yourself and potentially for others.

Thrive, Not Just Survive: To experience life to the fullest, prioritize your health and well-being. Being physically and mentally strong gives you the energy, resilience, and focus to fully embrace every day.

Live your life to the fullest: Don’t just chase a paycheck. There’s more to life than just work, and focusing only on making a living can lead to regrets down the line. (We may not know about the afterlife, but this life is what we have for sure.) Make the most of your time here by prioritizing your passions and well-being.

Move Forward and Take Action: Don’t get stuck overthinking things (logical and reasonable calculation, of course!). The more you take action, the more doors will open, and you’ll discover possibilities you never imagined. Just do your best in every situation – remember, nothing is ever perfect, that’s why we keep striving for our maximums. Good things take time, so keep that in mind. See the below iceberg illusion graph and you will get it all …

iceberg illusion chart

Sharpen And Use Your Skills: Don’t let your skills gather dust! Actively use and refine your abilities. They become valuable tools that can help you navigate opportunities and challenges throughout your life. If you neglect them, you might find they’re not as readily available when you need them most.

Embrace Your Authentic Self: Living authentically is key to happiness. Accept your strengths and weaknesses, and focus on continual growth. Don’t compare yourself to others – self-respect comes from valuing who you are. Always strive to do the right thing, and that’s the recipe for a fulfilling life.

Escape the Boredom Trap: Don’t let boredom and emptiness take hold. They can drag your mind into a rut of unanswered questions and pointless thinking. (Stay grounded in reality!)

The bottom line …

  • Live life to the fullest! Cultivate a strong mind and body (YOUR PHYSIQUE…).
  • Learn to manage your emotions for clear thinking. Uncontrolled emotions cloud judgment. Mastering them unlocks clear thinking and success.
  • Don’t get stuck on UNKNOWNS.
  • Believe in yourself and pursue your passions, even if it takes exploration to find them.
  • Take action (JUST MOVE!), learn from experiences, and refine your skills.
  • Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
  • Keep striving for your best and AVOID the trap of BOREDOM.
  • This is your life, so embrace its potential and chase the things that make you feel truly alive.
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